Individual Property Owners
The Filo Group can help maximize rental income and assure the most favorable terms—whether you’re a property owner with an existing cell tower lease or someone who has just been approached about entering into one.
Individual landowners often benefit from industry-specific information and representation when negotiating with wireless carriers and tower companies. With The Filo Group in your corner and our knowledge and experience working in your best interest, the carrier no longer has the upper hand. We’ll see that you get the most money for your asset—from day one of your lease throughout its entire lifespan—and under terms that won’t be detrimental to you or your property.
We offer individual property owners services related to:
- New cell tower lease proposals
- Cell tower lease renegotiations
- Lease extension requests
- Lease area expansion requests
- Wireless equipment modification requests
- Cell tower lease valuations
- Cell site lease buyouts
- Cell tower purchase offers
- Site auditing
Let The Filo Group assist you in reviewing all of the available options so that you’re armed with the information and representation essential to achieving an optimal outcome.